We can all just get along!

Many people these days seem to think that disagreeing with someone is synonymous with despising them.  Christians, especially, are often seen as "despisers".  As a Christian and a loving, friendly woman, I take great umbrage with that assumption.  It also bugs me that our society has decided it's no longer acceptable to make judgments.  That making judgments means you've decided the judged is a despicable person.  I beg to differ.  I am far from perfect.  I'm an admitted sinner who feels so blessed to have a Savior who died on the cross so I could be forgiven.  I am doing my best to be a good human in every way and I firmly believe I need God's help in doing so.  I happen to believe the same applies to all humans.  I believe you all need God in your lives and that if you accepted Jesus as your Savior, your life would change for the better.  Does that mean I think you're a horrible person without Jesus?  Nope.  Society would say I am "judging" non-Christians and in a sense, I am.  I am passing judgment on your non-belief.  I am judging it as the wrong way to do life.  But does that mean I despise the non-believer?!  Nope.  I've had many friends my whole life who are non-Christians.  Do I constantly ask them to repent and accept Jesus as their Savior?  Nope.  Do I pray every night that all humans would listen to the inner calling that we all have to draw closer to God?  You betcha.  Does this make me a despicable person?  I don't think so.  And I think if you ask the people who love me and spend time with me, they'd agree that I'm a very kind, generous, and accepting person.  If I, who am very imperfect, am able to be a Christian, "judge" others, and love them and be their friend all at the same time, so can we all.  I'm willing to bet this is how many, if not most, Christians operate.


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